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Exploration of Early Developmental Stages - How early development can be the key to observing ourselves as adults with Dr. Chava Shelhav

Date: November 9, 16 and 23, 2021 (3 consecutive Tuesdays)

Time: 8-10 am Pacific Time/11 am-1 pm Eastern/5-7 pm Central European

Cost: $180 for 3 Live workshops and Video streaming afterward


This series with Dr. Chava Shelhav is an invitation to deepen your understanding of early development stages, as a way of learning practical tools for everyday life and expanding self-observation skills and self-awareness.

How do our childhood habits and patterns affect us?

Our habits are assimilated in early childhood and build patterns that do not always serve us properly in our lives.

How can we bring about a change with the help of ATM lessons?

Understanding the developmental stages in early childhood is a way of observing ourselves as adults. 

Recent research indicates that motor skills develop concurrently with equilibrioception (sense of balance), spatial orientation, self-perception, sense of self and awareness. These skills are essential for the development of the human emotional and cognitive systems. Therefore, a lack of experience in these skills at an early age may have profound effects on the life of an individual.

During my Ph.D. thesis, while working with adults who suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, and behavioral problems, I realized that some of those originated during the early stages of development. 

Moshe Feldenkrais based his method on development, and I have continued to research the components and stages of development during the first few years of life.  This knowledge is essential to know when we meet and touch in a Feldenkrais session.

Registration includes:

  • A series of 3 workshops (120 min each).

  • ATM lessons.

  • Analysis and discussion.

  • A lecture that elucidates the complexity of the motor system, sense of balance, flexibility of joints and spine and the way it is manifested to adults.

  • Opportunity to submit questions for Dr. Chava Shelhav to answer.

  • Assistance during the lesson from our support team which includes a Feldenkrais assistant.



Dr. Chava Shelhav is a senior teacher of the Feldenkrais Method.  She was born in Israel and lives in Tel-Aviv.  Dr. Shelhav was a member of the first group of students trained personally by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, worked with him for many years, and acted as his assistant in programs worldwide.  She is one of a handful of people who are responsible for the promotion of the method to the international status it holds nowadays. Chava Shelhav introduced this method to a variety of institutions in Israel and Germany, among them hospitals, Child-development Centers, Kindergartens, and schools.

Dr. Shelhav has been the Educational Director for Feldenkrais professional training programs in Israel, the UK, USA, and Germany as well as a guest trainer in numerous programs internationally.  She has been the head of the Center for the Feldenkrais Method in Germany, Feldenkraiszcentrum, for the last 30 years.

She received her Ph.D. at Heidelberg University in Germany. Her thesis led to the book Movement as a Model of Learning (published in German in 1999).  She received her MA degree at Boston University based on her work with children with Cerebral Palsy and her master’s thesis, “Working with Brain Damaged Children Using the Feldenkrais Method,” (published in 1989).  Her method of teaching utilizes aspects of the body-mind relationship and emphasizes the influence of early development on the individual and on social personality.

Dr. Shelhav achieved distinction through her work with infants and children, especially disabled ones. During the last 40 years, she trained thousands of students and witnessed the growing need and interest of working with babies and special needs babies, and developed “Child’Space"– Shelhav method, a unique Method of Developmental training that applies the Feldenkrais theory while working with babies and their caregivers. As the founder Child’Space -Shelhav Method since 2002, she has been training practitioners and therapists in the Child’Space method in Israel, the USA, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Austria, and Argentina.